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dc.contributor.authorROMAN, MYKHATS-
dc.contributor.authorOLENA, DMYTRIIEVA-
dc.contributor.authorIRYNA, MATIICHYN-
dc.contributor.authorOLENA, ZHUKOVA-
dc.contributor.authorIRYNA, MAKOVETSKA-
dc.identifier.citationAbout the journal AD ALTA : Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (AD ALTA) is an international journal which publishes original, high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on interdisciplinary research. AD ALTA is published by the MAGNANIMITAS Assn. Since 2011, it has been published twice a year. AD ALTA aims to create sufficient space for publication activities and simultaneously a broad platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, as well as the acquisition of new knowledge from research and creative work. Aims and Scope AD ALTA is the peer-reviewed journal for rapid dissemination of global research. The journal aims to serve the research community by providing a vehicle for authors wishing to publish interesting and high quality work in science. Among the key topics covered are Social sciences. AD ALTA publishes research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, research methods papers, and unique case reports, along with invited editorials and commentaries. We aim to be a truly Central Europe forum for high-quality research and science, and believe that the best research should be published and made widely accessible as quickly as possible. AD ALTA publishes papers submitted directly to the journal. Indexation The journal is currently indexed on the list of The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), CrossRef, EBSCO, Index Copernicus.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAbstract: This article is dedicated to exploring creative approaches to interpreting and reinterpreting classical musical works in modern conditions. The relevance of the research lies in its contribution to understanding and appreciating classical music in the contemporary world. Given the ongoing development of society and culture, creative approaches to the performance and adaptation of classical works take on special significance. The research reveals new ways of interpreting and understanding musical heritage and fosters the development of innovative approaches in performing arts. The article analyses various strategies and methods in modern classical music performances, including traditional interpretations and innovative experiments. It highlights the impact of these creative approaches on the perception and understanding of classical works and their role in developing the classical music tradition. Examples of the interpretation and reinterpretation of works by Mozart, Schubert, Vivaldi, and others are considered. The conclusions drawn have significant practical implications for performers and listeners, assisting them in better comprehending and appreciating musical works in a modern context. The analysis results demonstrate diverse approaches, encompassing traditional interpretations and innovative experiments. The research indicates that creative methods of performing and adapting classical works can influence listeners' perceptions and their understanding of musical works. The results suggest the potential for deeper comprehension and appreciation of musical compositions through innovative approaches. The significance of creative approaches in shaping and evolving the classical music tradition is discussed. The research highlights the necessity of innovation and experimentation in ensuring classical music's continued relevance and vitality in the modern world. The article's findings offer practical value for musicians and listeners, providing insights and opening up new possibilities for the perception and performance of classical musical works in a contemporary context.uk_UA
dc.publisherCurrently published AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research volume 14, issue 01 356 pages DOI (& full text) | .pdf: www.doi.org/10.33543/1401uk_UA
dc.subjectМузичне мистецтво, класична музикаclassical music, creative approaches, performance, adaptation, musical interpretation, contemporary performers, innovations in music.uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeІнтерпретація та інтерпретація класичних творів у сучасних умовах: дослідження креативних підходів до виконання та адаптації класичної музикиuk_UA
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