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Назва: Neuropedagogical principles as a factor of inclusive education in the context of managerial activity: еuropean experience.
Автори: Lohvynenko, Tetyana
Hryntsiv, Mariana
Hrynyk, Iryna
Prymakova, Vitaliia
Drozd, Lidiia
Ключові слова: planned/self-directed behavior
formal management
obstacles and stereotype
motivation of inclusion subjects
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Бібліографічний опис: Neuropedagogical principles as a factor of inclusive education in the context of managerial activity: еuropean experience. / T. Lohvynenko, M. Hryntsiv, I. Hrynyk, V. Prymakova, L. Drozd // Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. - 2023. - № 12. Volume 14, Issue 4. - С. 212-227.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article analyzes the types, perspectives and trends of inclusive education management in a multifaceted manner, in particular, the experience of Western Europe today and during the last decades is analyzed. This is done with the aim of finding the most effective models or at least predicted appropriate recommendations for reforming inclusive education management.The general approach to writing the article is review-analytical with modeling elements. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to generalize the current trends in the management of inclusion in the world as a neuropedagogical principle of inclusive education in the context of management activities and to understand the theoretical conditions of reforming such management, taking into account the European experience.According to the authors, the relevance of thearticle is due to the contradiction between the managerial (vertical) and self-initiative (horizontal) intentions in inclusive education.As a result, it was possible to formulate a number of recommendations and find common problems and directions for thedevelopment of Ukrainian and European inclusion. The main trend that should be developed is the reduction of the management of state powers and the introduction of self-management principles based on the personal motivation of subjects of inclusion (self-directed behavior) within the most extended legal and power framework.
Опис: Although Ukraineis located in the center of Europe, it is the heir of a totalitarian state that recently disappeared. In this regard, problems of inclusion, which should have been solved long ago and gradually, are still relevant, but are now solving quickly and comprehensively. Researchers have identified motivation as a key aspect of inclusive education (Maksymchuk et al., 2022; Omelchuk et al., 2022; Sarancha, 2022; Sarancha, 2021). This, in our opinion, is where the main problem of inclusion management arises: vertically (laws and hierarchy of institutions) and horizontally (interaction of equals and equality of dissimilars, self-organization, personal motivation and self-directed behavior).
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.dspu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/3876
ISSN: 2068-0473
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові видання

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