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dc.contributor.authorBarinova, N., Kocharian, O., Kryvonis, T., Prokofieva, O., Uninets, I., & Dub, V.-
dc.identifier.citationBarinova, N., Kocharian, O., Kryvonis, T., Prokofieva, O., Uninets, I., & Dub, V. (2024). Psychological Support for Individuals Experiencing the Loss of a Loved One during War. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 16 (3), 402-414 .uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article analyzes the main theoretical and practical approaches to understanding psychological aspects of grief resulting from the loss of a loved one during wartime. It focuses on the primary methods of addressing the challenges associated with such loss, examines the psychological experiences of children facing this trauma during war and investigates strategies for providing psychological support to those affected. This theoretical piece states that losing a loved one in war is both a personal and international tragedy, highlighting how war devastates not only individuals but also entire families and communities. Due to the war initiated by the Russian Federation, Ukraine continues to experience combat operations, and enemy missile strikes are destroying civilian homes. During the war, Ukrainians live in constant stress, with some losing their loved ones. The experience of loss has both emotional and physical impacts.uk_UA
dc.publisherRevista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionalauk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries;Vol. 16 No. 3-
dc.subjectThe loss of a loved one, psychological aspects of coping with loss, the experience of children losing a significant person during wartime, methods of psychological supportuk_UA
dc.titlePsychological Support for Individuals Experiencing the Loss of a Loved One during Waruk_UA
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