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Результати 314 до 333 із 4109 < назад   далі >
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Piano work by Tadeas SalvaSkvarkovs, Jana
2022Pitritskyi monastery: an outstanding spiritual monument of GaliciaKuhutiak, Mykola; Korolko, Andrii
2021Place of Ukraine in the Security System of the Region of Central and Eastern Europe in the Ukrainian Nationalism Theorists' Works (the 20-30s of the XXth century)Demchyshak, Ruslan; Starodub, Taras
2021Poland’s Foreign Policy Concepts Traditions and Innovations Regarding UkraineStrilchuk, Lyudmyla; Dobrzhanskyi, Oleksandr
2019Polish "Great emigration" of 1831 – 1870: transformation of ideological and outlook foundations of liberation movementDemuz, Inna; Petryhyn, Ludmyla
2022Polityka religijna instytucji parlamentaryzmu Ukrainy i Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej: analiza filozoficznaSokolovskyi, Oleh
2017Polskie czasopisma pedagogiczne w Wielkiej Brytanii w XX i XXI wiekuChwastyk-Kowalczyk, Jolanta
2021Post-truth and critical thinking: ideological implications in educationMarchenko, Oleksij; Kretov, Pavlo; Kretova, Olena
2019Postgraduate training of primary school teachers through the forming of the pupils' scientific picture of the worldКузьменко, Василь
2019Potentiometric determination of the antioxidant activity of medicinal plantsKovalchuk, Halyna; Lupak, Oksana; Klepach, Halyna; Polyuzhyn, Ihor
2023Poznawanie dziecka u podstaw wspomagania jego rozwojuKaminska, Joanna
2023Prague pages of the creative work of the Ukrainian composer Vasyl BarvinskyiNimylovych, Oleksandra; Filonenko, Ludomyr
2023Prague pages of the creative work of the Ukrainian composer Vasyl BarvinskyiNimylovych, Oleksandra; Filonenko, Ludomyr
2019Preparation of future masters of elementary education to the formation of a successful personality of junior schoolchildrenЯнкович, Олександра
2024Preparation of Future Teachers for Organising a Health-Preserving Inclusive Space in Educational InstitutionsSkotna, Nadiya; Nadimyanova, Tetiana; Fedorovych, Anna; Sosiak, Myroslava; Yatsiv, Oksana
2024Preparing polish teachers to work in a multicultural environmentMarzec, Bozena
2023Prerequisites for successful health preserving activities of the modern teacher in the inclusive education systemГук, Орест; Шемеляк, Сніжана
2022Prerequisites for the Establishment of the "Theosophist Society" on the Territory of France during the Period of the "Magical Revival"Gudz, Viktor; Pomazan, Dmytro
2019Priorities of work of Western Ukraine bayan-accordion players in the twenty first century: analysis and unificationDushniy, Аndriy; Zavialova, Olha
2024-02-07Problematic internet activities among Ukrainian adolescents: gender and psychosocial differences.Mirchuk, Iryna; Shchudlo, Svitlana; Zelena, Oksana; Klymanska, Larysa; Herasym, Halyna; Savka, Viktor; Klimanska, Maryna; Haletska, Inna; Ostaszewski, Krzysztof