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Назва: Viacheslav Lypynskyi's concept of political power
Автори: Sharavara, Tamara
Prykhodko, Serhii
Ключові слова: political power
power resources
Дата публікації: 2023
Бібліографічний опис: Tamara, Sharavara. Viacheslav Lypynskyi's concept of political power / S. Tamara, P. Serhii // Східноєвропейський історичний вісник : [збірник] / М-во освіти і науки України, ДДПУ ім. І. Франка ; [редкол.: М. Віткунас, В. Вєжбєнєц та ін. ; гол. ред.: В. І. Ільницький ; відп. ред. М. Д. Галів]. - Дрогобич : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2023. - Вип. 26. - 66-75 с.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The purpose of the research is to find out the meaningful essence and defining components of the political power concept developed by Viacheslav Lypynskyi, as well as its comparison with the characteristics of political power in modern political science. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of systematicity, dialectics, reliability, concrete historical approach, logic. General scientific (analysis, dialectical, synthesis, structural functional, generalization) and special (content analysis, comparative, systemhistorical) methods have been used. Thescientific novelty consists in the analysis of Viacheslav Lypynskyi’s political views, which has been carried out in the context of his development of the political power concept, the mechanisms of its implementation, and the legitimacy of power. A comparative analysis of this concept with the theory of political power presented in modern political science has been carried out. The Conclusion. Based on the analysis of Viacheslav Lypynskyi’s political views, it has been found out that the concept of political power is formulated in them. The scholar covered diverse aspects of its formation and functioning. The development of this concept could be explained by the scholar’s reaction to the defeat of the National Liberation Movement of 1917 – 1920. In his opinion, its reasons were related to the inability to create stable forms of the state. In fact, it can explain the main focus on the organization of the power issues. The specified concept contains sufficiently detailed characteristics of the political power, mechanisms of its implementation, principles of ensuring its legitimacy. The scholar also highlighted the issues of social composition of the authorities. He emphasized that they must include representatives of industrial and land owners class necessarily. Only they were able to ensure consistent progressive development of society, restraining possible manifestations of radicalism in state politics. The classical theory of the political power appeared in political science in the second half of the 20th century. Hence, V. Lypynskyi’s developments should be considered as a component of it and an integral stage of its formation
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ir.dspu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2385
Розташовується у зібраннях:№ 26 (2023)

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