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Результати 1-10 зі 396.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020The soviet special services' propaganda and sabotage espionage activities in the territory of Western Volyn (1919 - 1921)Kramar, Yurii; Shvab, Anatolii
2020The Ukrainian issue in the political strategies of the Polish party environments of the interwar era of the XXth century: the Polish visionFutala, Vasyl
2020Propaganda as a component of the processes of sovietization of the territories of Northern Bukovyna and Bessarabia (1944 - 1947)Mandryk-Melnychuk, Mariia; Kotsur, Halyna
2020Destruction of the Fundamental Foundations of the Traditional Way of Life of the Ukrainian Countryside during the Years of its Total GovernmentalizationMotuz, Valeriya
2020The First Soviet Five-year Plan - as Reflected in the Romanian Archival SourcesCirstea, Marusia
2020Ukrainian historical science in the Second Polish Republic: institutional aspectTelvak, Vitalii; Lozynska, Iryna; Nowacki, Roman
2020Formation and development of health care of the urban population of the UkSSR during the 20-ies of the XXth centuryKotsur, Nadiia; Hordenko, Svetlana
2020Consolidation of the nation during the Ukrainian revolution of 1914 - 1923: main directions of historiographical discourseReient, Oleksandr; Velykochyi, Volodymyr
2020Slavic Countries of Central and Eastern Europe during the Post-Communist Period on the Pages of Ukrainian TextbooksКozak, Olena
2020Financial institutions of the Russian Empire in Dnieper Ukraine in the last quarter of the 18th - early 20th century in modern historiographical discourseBondarenko, Oleksandr; Tupchiyenko, Mykola