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Результати 34 до 53 із 4109 < назад   далі >
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Balkan's integration processes: history and postmodernityAsaturov, Sergey; Martynov, Andrei
2019Bayan-accordion art of Western Ukraine at the end of the twentieth – the beginning of the twenty first century: priority instruments of functioningDushniy, Аndriy; Zavialova, Olha
2022"Because History is a Teacher of Life": Historical Policy of Editorial Office of the Periodical "Nash Lemko"Nakonechnyi, Volodymyr; Dushniy, Аndriy
2019Beer production in Galicia (middle XIXth – the first third of XXth century)Klapchuk, Volodymyr; Klapchuk, Mykhailo
2023Benefits of multiculturalism for foreign language teachingChaika, Oksana; Чайка, Оксана
2023Besonderheiten des musikunterrichts an den regionalen schulen in DeutschlandKuznetsova, Maryna
2019Biologically active properties of the ethanol and aqueous extracts from the needles of Juniperus communis.Klepach, Halyna; Voloshanska, Svitlana; Kovalchuk, Halyna; Stopa, Aniela
2020Borys Hrinchenko and Dmytro Doroshenko: history of cooperation of Ukrainian intellectualsAndryeyev, Vitaliy; Andryeyeva, Svitlana
2021Borys Hrinchenko's Views: the Ukrainian National Revolution in the Middle of the XVIIth Century in the Coverage of the IntellectualOgneviuk, Viktor; Andryeyeva, Svitlana
2020Branches activity of "Native School" Society in Pokuttia (1900 - 1939): content and activity directionsKorolko, Andrii; Fedoryshyn, Ihor
2019British consulates in port cities of the Northern Black sea and Azov region of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuriesLyman, Igor; Konstantinova, Victoria
2020Catalonia and Catalans in Carles Puigdemont Political Discourse: In Search of National IdentityMozolevska, Alina; Khmel, Anastasia
2022Causes of the Russian-Moldovan Conflict of 1992 in Ukrainian and Russian Historiographical DiscoursesBehei, Ihor; Livinska, Yulia
2020Census of the jewish population of Stara Sil in 1764Smutok, Lesia; Lyseyko, Yaroslav; Smutok, Ihor
2021Challenges and opportunities of the modern risk society: socio-cultural, economic and legal aspects: monographHvozdecka, Bohdanna; Varha, Natalia
2022Charitable Activity of the Orthodox Fraternities of Right-Bank Ukraine in the Second Half of the XIXth CenturyAlyoshyna, Oksana
2022Chernivtsi Party apparatus and religious revival of Bukovyna at the end of the 80s - the beginning of the 90sChura, Vasyl; Kahanov, Yurii
2020Christian clergy in the Ukrainian national revival of the second half of the XIXth - the first third of the XXth century: modern historiographySemerhei, Natalia
2023Christian values in the professional training of future lawyersBilavych, Halyna; Mukan, Nataliya; Horokhivska, Tetiana
2019Church judicial process in the Ukrainian Hetman state (Zaporizke Viisko): analysis of judiciary practiceZakharchenko, Petro; Matselyukh, Ivanna