№ 18 (2021) Головна сторінка зібрання Перегляд статистики

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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 22
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021Historiography of confrontation between Polish and Ukrainian underground forces during the years of the German-Soviet War: main tendencies of interpretation of the events in PolandBolianovskyi, Andrii
2021The Concept of "Ukraine" Evolution in Early Modern times in Modern Ukrainian Historiography CoverageStepanchuk, Yuriy; Melnychuk, Tetiana
2021Poland’s Foreign Policy Concepts Traditions and Innovations Regarding UkraineStrilchuk, Lyudmyla; Dobrzhanskyi, Oleksandr
2021Sources of the Russian-Ukrainian Armed ConflictPokotylo, Oleksiy; Nashyvochnikov, Oleksandr
2021Updating the repertoire of the Ukrainian film studios in the context of the Perestroika processAbakumova, Viktoria
2021Socialization problems of "Afghan" soldiers in Ukraine in the coverage of the Central Committee body of the LKSM of Ukraine - the newspaper "Komsomolskoye Znamia"Demuz, Inna; Ostrovyk, Dmytro
2021Content and directions of women organizations activities in Volyn (the second half of the 1940s - beginning of the 1950s)Starodubets, Halyna; Sushyk, Iryna
2021Legal regulation of local population behaviour in the responsibility area of the Provisional Military Administration and Reich Commissariat "Ukraine" (the summer of 1941 - winter of 1942)Honcharenko, Oleksiy; Potyl’chak, Oleksandr
2021The Soviet factor in the armed struggle at the territory of "Halychyna" District of the General Governorate (1941 - 1944)Hulay, Vasyl; Maksymets, Vira
2021An Archival and Investigative Case on Hryhoriy Tymofiiv as a Source on the History of Repressions during the 1930sKuznets, Tetiana; Skus, Olha
2021On the perpetrators list compilation of the Holodomor-Genocide of the Ukrainians: party-state nomenclature and employees of repressive punitive bodiesStasiuk, Olesia
2021The Genocide Intention in the Light of New Documents on the Holodomor of 1932 - 1933 in UkraineYakubovsky, iIhor
2021The Concept of Cultural Nationalism in the Works of Dmytro Dontsov: Main AspectsIvanyshyn, Petro; Dmytriv, Iryna; Grzesiak, Jan; Дмитрів, Ірина Іванівна; Іванишин, Петро Васильович
2021Ukrainian-Jewish relations during the period of the UNR Directory: based on the information on the towns of Right-Bank UkraineKomarnitskyi, Oleksandr; Komarnitskа, Liudmyla
2021War beyond the Frontline: Refugees in Internal Governorates of the Russian Empire during World War IKovalenko, Tetiana
2021The Situation of the Jewish Minority during the Russian Occupation of Eastern Galicia in 1914 - 1915Shchehlov, Andrii; Melnyk, Oleksandra
2021"When men moved across the world for a piece of bread..." Emigration of the Rusyns-Ukrainians from the North-Eastern Slovakia in the years 1870 - 1940Smigel, Michal; Tisliar, Pavol
2021The Orthodox parish clergy's role in the peasant reform implementation in 1861 (based on Kyiv huberniya materials)Tatsiyenko, Vitaliy; Tatsiyenko, Natalia
2021Network Formation of the Prussian Consular Offices in Ukrainian Lands in the 19th Century: Case Study of the Port City of KerchLyman, Igor; Konstantinova, Victoria
2021Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin: historic portrait against a backdrop of the epochKhridochkin, Andrii; Makushev, Petro
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 22