Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 22
Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
2021 | Historiography of confrontation between Polish and Ukrainian underground forces during the years of the German-Soviet War: main tendencies of interpretation of the events in Poland | Bolianovskyi, Andrii |
2021 | The Concept of "Ukraine" Evolution in Early Modern times in Modern Ukrainian Historiography Coverage | Stepanchuk, Yuriy; Melnychuk, Tetiana |
2021 | Poland’s Foreign Policy Concepts Traditions and Innovations Regarding Ukraine | Strilchuk, Lyudmyla; Dobrzhanskyi, Oleksandr |
2021 | Sources of the Russian-Ukrainian Armed Conflict | Pokotylo, Oleksiy; Nashyvochnikov, Oleksandr |
2021 | Updating the repertoire of the Ukrainian film studios in the context of the Perestroika process | Abakumova, Viktoria |
2021 | Socialization problems of "Afghan" soldiers in Ukraine in the coverage of the Central Committee body of the LKSM of Ukraine - the newspaper "Komsomolskoye Znamia" | Demuz, Inna; Ostrovyk, Dmytro |
2021 | Content and directions of women organizations activities in Volyn (the second half of the 1940s - beginning of the 1950s) | Starodubets, Halyna; Sushyk, Iryna |
2021 | Legal regulation of local population behaviour in the responsibility area of the Provisional Military Administration and Reich Commissariat "Ukraine" (the summer of 1941 - winter of 1942) | Honcharenko, Oleksiy; Potyl’chak, Oleksandr |
2021 | The Soviet factor in the armed struggle at the territory of "Halychyna" District of the General Governorate (1941 - 1944) | Hulay, Vasyl; Maksymets, Vira |
2021 | An Archival and Investigative Case on Hryhoriy Tymofiiv as a Source on the History of Repressions during the 1930s | Kuznets, Tetiana; Skus, Olha |
2021 | On the perpetrators list compilation of the Holodomor-Genocide of the Ukrainians: party-state nomenclature and employees of repressive punitive bodies | Stasiuk, Olesia |
2021 | The Genocide Intention in the Light of New Documents on the Holodomor of 1932 - 1933 in Ukraine | Yakubovsky, iIhor |
2021 | The Concept of Cultural Nationalism in the Works of Dmytro Dontsov: Main Aspects | Ivanyshyn, Petro; Dmytriv, Iryna; Grzesiak, Jan; Дмитрів, Ірина Іванівна; Іванишин, Петро Васильович |
2021 | Ukrainian-Jewish relations during the period of the UNR Directory: based on the information on the towns of Right-Bank Ukraine | Komarnitskyi, Oleksandr; Komarnitskа, Liudmyla |
2021 | War beyond the Frontline: Refugees in Internal Governorates of the Russian Empire during World War I | Kovalenko, Tetiana |
2021 | The Situation of the Jewish Minority during the Russian Occupation of Eastern Galicia in 1914 - 1915 | Shchehlov, Andrii; Melnyk, Oleksandra |
2021 | "When men moved across the world for a piece of bread..." Emigration of the Rusyns-Ukrainians from the North-Eastern Slovakia in the years 1870 - 1940 | Smigel, Michal; Tisliar, Pavol |
2021 | The Orthodox parish clergy's role in the peasant reform implementation in 1861 (based on Kyiv huberniya materials) | Tatsiyenko, Vitaliy; Tatsiyenko, Natalia |
2021 | Network Formation of the Prussian Consular Offices in Ukrainian Lands in the 19th Century: Case Study of the Port City of Kerch | Lyman, Igor; Konstantinova, Victoria |
2021 | Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin: historic portrait against a backdrop of the epoch | Khridochkin, Andrii; Makushev, Petro |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 22